Saturday, May 25, 2013

Crazy orange pants

Shirt - JC Penney
Pants - dyed hand-me-downs
My friend got these wraparound pants from a distant relative. We had so much fun trying to figure out how to wear them and at one point, had them wrapped around the chest like overalls. My friend thought about throwing them out or cutting them up into napkins, because these things really were ugly. But she let me take them home. I thought, if you're going to have super huge, crazy wraparound pants, they can't be beige. They have to be a crazy color to match. So as you see, I dyed them orange!
This is my sister playing with them before the dye job.
You can see here that the back half of the pants tie around the front, and then the front half ties in the back, like a sash or an apron.

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